Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Polka Day but with a Twist

Umpa. Umpa. Umpa. We are celebrating national polka day but adding a twist. Polka is to music and to DOT so we have created things that have POLKA DOTS on them. How fun! Instead of making Polka music our talented crafters have made things with dots on them.

Start with Lorby's World and don't forget to leave a comment and become a follower of hers because she's giving away something or other.
Here are my polka dots...
I made my son a card.  He loves green, so I stamped his name and flocked the side of the pendent with green!

I cut out the tree pieces...they don't lay flat on the card, and the cute zebra and elephant are there to represent him and I. And the sun is a mound of glue, time, glue, time, glue, sticky scissor points, and more time. But, I'm sure happy with the way it turned out!

Inside is another lil' tree and another version of him and I.  I wanted to hand write the message  to him in this one to make it more personal.  For another person, I think a cute saying inside a patterned cloud would be appropriate. 

Here he is receiving it.  I did the different layers and dimensions to please his busy, little fingers.

He loves that his name is on the front and seems to appreciate the picture. ^_^

Yes, I do! ... "Momma, what does this say?"
... "Oh, thank you!" hehe.

Thank you for stopping by and please feel free to come back again!



Lissa Marie


  1. What a precious memory your son will hve from this one little card. He is a lucky boy to have a mom like you.


  2. I love the card and miss you and James. I didn't recognize him with his haircut. He's such a big boy now. The card is so adorable. You are very talented. Thanks for joining me again.

  3. Awww this is the cutest card and little boy ever! Thank you so much for making my day on this polka dot hop!

  4. How sweet.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net

  5. Super cute card!! I love the sun! :) TYFS

